
A section of a boardwalk is made using 15 boards. Each board is 914914 inches wide. The total width of the section is 144 inches. The spacing between each board is equal. What is the width of the spacing between each board? Write your answer in simplest form.

Accepted Solution


15 times 9.25 = 138.75 inches.
That leaves

144-138.75 = 5.25 inches for spaces. 
Between the 15 boards are just 14 spaces, however.
So divide 5.25 by 14 and get
3/8" for each space.
Answer by Cromlix(4300)   (Show Source):You can put this solution on YOUR website!
Hi there,
14 boards each 9 1/4 inches wide.
14 x 9 1/4 = 138 3/4 inches
144 inches - 138 3/4 inches

= 5 1/4 inches
Spaces between 14 boards
= 13 spaces.
5 1/4 / 13 = 2/5 of an inch.
Hope this helps. :-)